Advent Wreath Prayers

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There is no better way to prepare our hearts to receive Christ than to light the candles of the Advent wreath every evening in the weeks leading up to Christmas.The Catholic Church understand the power of symbols and the physical act of lighting candles and saying short prayers really does open our spiritual selves to the real Light of the World, Christ.

[On the Saturday before the First Sunday of Advent, the family gathers around the wreath decorated with greens. One candle should be lit.]

Leader: We gather around our wreath to begin the celebration of Advent. Let us ask our Father in heaven to fill our hearts with grace.

Silent pause for prayer

Heavenly Father, we look forward to the celebration of Christmas and to the coming of the Lord in glory. Bless this Advent wreath and all of us. As we pray daily around it, fill us with your life and strengthen us for our daily tasks. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.images (14)

The First Week of Advent

[One candle is lit.]


: Heavenly Father, as we begin this Advent, give light to our eyes and peace to our hearts. May the Lord find us watching and waiting in joy when He comes. We pray in Jesus’ name.

All: Amen.

The Second Week of Advent

[Two candles are lit.]

Leader: Father in heaven, set our hearts ablaze to follow in the steps of John the Baptist. May we bring light and love to all we meet, that the darkness of sin and fear may be overcome. In Christ’s name we ask this.

All: Amen.

The Third Week of Advent

[Three candles are lit.]

Leader: As we draw near to you, Lord God, keep us aware of your presence in all we do. Come with power to enlighten us by your grace, that we may live in praise and peace all our days. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

advent wreath

Special Days of Preparation

[Traditionally, the days from December 17 to the day before Christmas have as their focus the titles of Jesus. On these days, a special Scripture passage may be read to recall these titles. Three candles are used until the Fourth Sunday of Advent, when all four candles are lit.]

December 17

Jesus, the Wisdom of God
1 Cor 1:26-31

Leader: Come, O Wisdom of God Most High, and fill our hearts with your word of truth.

All: Come Lord Jesus!

December 18

Jesus, the new Lawgiver
Mt 17:1-8

Leader: Come, O Giver of the Law, that we may be strengthened by your mighty power.

All: Come Lord Jesus!

December 19

Jesus, the Flower of Jesse
Rom 15:7-13

Leader: Come, O Flower of Jesse’s Root, that we may be made fruitful witnesses of your love.

All: Come Lord Jesus!

December 20

Jesus, the Key of David
Rev 3:7-8

Leader: Come, O Key of David, to unlock the darkness of sin and free us by your grace.

All: Come Lord Jesus!

December 21

Jesus, the Radiant Dawn
Is 9:1-6

Leader: Come, O Radiant Dawn, sun of justice, and fill us with Your saving light.

All: Come Lord Jesus!

December 22

Jesus, the King of the Nations
Rev 19:11-16

Leader: Come, O King of the Nations, and bind us all together in the unity and peace we seek.

All: Come Lord Jesus!

December 23

Jesus, Emmanuel
Mt 1:18-23

Leader: Come, O Emmanuel, presence of God among us, and fill our hearts with every good gift.

All: Come Lord Jesus!kids-lighting-candles

December 24

[On Christmas Eve, the wreath can be renewed with new greenery and the candles replaced with new white tapers for use during the Christmas season.]

Leader: Lord Jesus, we approach that holy moment when Your coming as man is renewed in our hearts. Give us peace and allow us to celebrate Your presence with joy, that we may some day share Your glory. We ask this of You, who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, as One God, now and forever.

All: Amen.

The Christmas Season

[From Christmas Day until the Baptism of the Lord, the following prayer can be used with the wreath.]

Leader: Father in heaven, you so loved us that You sent Your Son, among us as Savior and Lord. Fill us with Your blessing, that we may grow in love and continue to live our Christian faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.