Dolls from Heaven

 In a society where secular values bombard our children, Catholics must encourage those who create Catholic culture so we can introduce our children to their rich heritage. Of course we should become aware of great Catholic artists, authors, bloggers and columnists but we must actively support those artists who craft beautiful toys for our kids, toys which promote Catholic values in a way which appeals to real kids.
 I am  pe4601rsonally delighted with the look of a doll created by Kiczek Family, Their first doll is  the young and beautiful St. Theresa.
As a mum, I just know she will appeal to little girls, inspiring them to identify with her. St. Theresa’s story is a wonderful springboard for imaginative play.

Introducing the Kiczek Family 

5397971_origThe Kiczeks, a Catholic, pro-life family, are trying to work for the kingdom of God by bringing others closer to Jesus.  As a family, they created Dolls from Heaven. Dolls have always been part of their family. They  all enjoyed dressing them and playing with them.   

 An Interview with Dr. Kiczek


How did you come up with the idea of creating dolls dressed as saints? 
On a long, long, traffic-filled car ride, after completing our daily Rosary we knew as a family that something special was going to happen that day.  We started talking about how there was no doll companies that we knew of that made dolls of Saints.  We continued talking about different saints being perfect for a doll.  All our favorites came up and we could all see the dolls in our heads already made.
Saint Therese stood out as the perfect start for our concept company.  The next was the name, we shot back various ideas like Saint Dolls(too obvious) Gift from Heaven(too vague) until one name stood out beautifully- Dolls from Heaven.
The rest of the long trip we had almost the entire company vision all mapped out.  The day turned out to be even more special when we realized that it was the Feast Day of Mary Help of Christians.  We knew our company would be fine with Her as our Patroness.
 Did you start making outfits at home?
Yes we did start making the outfits at home for prototypes,
Is it still a cottage industry?
We will produce part of the outfits from home and rest will be manufactured for us.
Years ago, my mother made all my girls special clothes for the Heart Dolls( an adult mum, Barbies basic height with a baby but how did  your concept evolve into something bigger- into Dolls from Heaven?
Lots of prayers and the basis of the first day led to our company slowly evolving into where it stands now.  About to begin an IndieGoGo campaign in which we only need 120 dolls to be preordered to begin production of the Therese Doll.
What is your mission?
Our mission is to inspire children throughout the world to become saints.
  Do you feel this is a call from God?
Most definitely, we felt God’s grace and blessing being over this company since the first day.  It is now a little over a year and we are seeing the dream become a reality.

IndieGoGo campaign where you can pre-order the dolls 


Dolls from heaven are 18 inch Saint Dolls. They come with an outfit based on what the Saint wore during their life. They also come with a book that will inspire children to become saints.  Saint Theresa has inspired millions of people with “her little way”. 

the kiczeks also made an additional outfit , her second dress is Therese’s Sunday best; this outfit was inspired by her childhood and her love for going to church. Their hope is to have her debut before Christmas 2015.

Saints are important for our time they teach us to be a witness for Christ.

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